Thursday, May 8, 2008

Show me something good!!! in Pharma marketing

A discipline long known to consumer goods merchants like P&G is now playing a mayor role in Pharama marketing. Regardless of this market's recent innovations, relevant innovation must be consumer led. You must develop an appreciation for your who your consumers are and how they live to know their needs and also their aspirations. This is the only way to produce relevant content that sway opinions, peak interest and entice.

Just a thought. Not to get too preachy today, but I'm tired of seeing ads that have nothing to do with me even though I am in the market for those products. Feel free to chime in and let me know if you've seen anything good today. If I see one more senior citizen kayaking or sky diving, I'm going to have a fit. No more breathing freely in a meadows, no more 60 year old couples romping around for a nooner and please no more pipe and water balloon imagery for incontinence drugs. Show me something good!

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